Web Monetization
The Web Monetization API allows websites to automatically and passively receive payments from Web Monetization-enabled visitors.
The ability to transfer money has been a long-standing omission from the web platform. As a result, the web suffers from a flood of advertising and broken business models. Web Monetization provides an open, native, efficient, and automatic way to compensate creators, pay for content, and support crucial web infrastructure.
Why Now?
Until recently, there hasn't been an open, neutral and cost-efficient protocol for transferring money. Interledger provides a simple, interoperable, and currency-agnostic method for the transfer of small amounts of money. This opens up the possibility for streaming money, which makes more Web Monetization use cases possible for the first time.
Web Monetization Wallets
These providers offer ILP-enabled wallets that you can use to become Web Monetized:
Do you know another wallet? Make a PR
Web Monetization Libraries/Plugins
There have been a number of libraries and plugins developed over the years to enable Web Monetization features on your website, but a lot of them need updating to conform to the latest specification. If you would like to help out this effort, please check out the full list. These plugins have already been updated:
Astro Monetization
This Astro component simplifies the process of adding monetization links to your Astro sites.
Monetize 11ty
An Eleventy plugin to monetize posts and site content by creating exclusive content areas
Helpers and hooks to speed up your integration with Web Monetization API
Do you know another plugin? Make a PR